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Nutrition & Training Packages

Vanilla Protein Custard

Fancy something to put on your puds? Sneak in some extra protein with my Gooey Vanilla Protein Custard!

This version is lower in fat & sugar then regular custard & packed full of protein to help you hit your macros. This goes amazingly well with my 3 minute cake recipe (also on here). It also goes well with my healthy apple crumble (recipe coming soon) or can just be enjoyed on it's own.

Servings: Serves 2 (or 4 if just drizzling on top of a pud)

Macros per serving: 176kcal / 22.5g protein / 7g carbs / 5.5g fat


200ml skimmed milk

40g vanilla whey protein

4 tbsp stevia

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

2 tsp cornflour

2 medium egg yolks


1. Place milk in saucepan & slowly bring to a simmer

2. Put the cornflour, protein powder, sweetener, egg yolks and vanilla extract into a bowl and whisk together into a thck paste with a splash of water.

3. Gently whisk the mix in the warm milk continually stirring until custard is thick, smooth & coats the back of a spoon.

4. Allow to cool for 2-3 mins then enjoy! :-)


If you don't mind taking the fat content up a little bit then swap the skimmed milk for semi skimmed - this will provide an overall creamier flavour & reduce the carb content slightly.

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