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Nutrition & Training Packages

Caramel Apple Pancake Stack

Who loves caramel apples??

Topped with warm cinnamon apple, this pancake topping is a definite for the apple pie lovers. I've kept mine low calorie by using a sugar free caramel syrup but if you have extra carbs to play with then try using real caramel sauce or honey for a really indulgent dish! There's only 1g fat in the ingredients too so by keeping oil used to a minimum this makes a really great low fat breakfast option.

Serving Size: Makes 1 stack

Macros per stack:

293kcal / 30g protein / 30g carbs / 1g fat / 4g fibre


1 medium banana (approx 90g)

120g egg whites

20g vanilla protein powder

1 medium apple (I used a braeburn)

1/2 tsp baking powder

Cinnamon to taste

Sugar free caramel syrup to taste (I used Walden Farms Zero Syrup)


1. Peel & chop apple into small chunks & place in saucepan with 5 tbsp water. Sprinkle with cinnamon & leave to simmer until apple is soft & warm.

2. Add all ingredients (except syrup) into blender & mix until a thick smooth batter is formed.

3. Preheat 1/2 tsp oil of choice in a non stick pan on medium heat (I find coconut oil works best for pancakes)- pour in pancake mix.

4. When the bottom of the pancake is firm, flip & cook the other side until completely cooked through. 5. Remove from pan & serve with warm apple, caramel syrup & a dusting of cinnamon.

Tip: For perfect pancakes make sure the heat is not too high - this will stop the pancake sticking or burning on the outside before the middle is cooked through. You'll know when it's time to flip the pancake when you wobble the pan & the mix looks stable & "jelly like" i.e. no longer really runny on top.

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