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Nutrition & Training Packages

Blackberry Pie Cakey Oats

If you follow me on Instagram you'll know that i've been having this breakfast pretty much every day at the moment! If you fancy your oats a little less soggy & a little more cake like then this could be the breakfast for you.

If blackberries aren't your thing you can substitute them for any other berry of choice.

Servings: Makes 1 bowl

Macros per bowl: 27g protein / 30g carbs / 4.5g fat / 7g fibre


40g oats

1 scoop vanilla whey

70g blackberries

150ml water

1/2 tsp baking powder


1. Mix oats, whey & water together by gently folding them (this allows more air into the mixture).

2. Add in blackberries.

3. Microwave for 2 mins (based on an 850w microwave)

4. Eat! :-)

Tip: Try topping with custard for a healthy dessert.

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