Cinnamon-Raisin Protein Donuts

Sadly this week my donut maker broke (probably from overuse!) however, this prompted me to purchase a new donut tray which actually meant I got double the amount of donuts with the same amount of batter!
This makes this recipe my lowest calorie donut yet, at just 25 calories a piece. I'd definitely recommend eating them warm from the oven with some low fat custard (or try my protein custard recipe HERE).

Servings: Makes 22 mini donuts (if your tin makes a different amount multiply the macros below by 22 & divide by the number of donuts you have).
Macros per donut:
25kcal / 2g protein / 2g carbs / 1g fat / 1g fibre
40g coconut flour (I used one by Tiana from Holland & Barratt but this is also available in the baking aisle in large Tesco/Sainsbury/Waitrose stores).
25g vanilla protein powder
60g Apple Sauce (I used Waitrose Essential Bramley Apple Sauce)
80g egg whites
1 whole egg
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking powder
50ml semi skimmed milk (or other milk of choice)
50g raisins or sultanas
1. Preheat oven to 180c (or preheat donut maker as per instructions if using one).
2. Place all ingredients except for raisins in a blender & mix until thick. Once blended stir in raisins by hand.
3. Spoon mix into donut maker & cook for 3 minutes. If using a donut mould spray using 1 calorie cooking spray (such as Fry Light Butter Spray) & place in oven for approx 25 minutes.
4. Remove donuts from tray.
5. Eat! :-)