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Nutrition & Training Packages

No-Bake Cinnamon-Swirl Cookies

A slight adaptation on the No-Bake Peanut Butter cookies I created for Bodypower Expo! These ones are a little lower in fat than the PB version so great for those of you trying to keep your snacks low fat, high carb.

(If you're unsure of how many carbs, fats etc you should be eating - CLICK HERE to join our free fat loss programme & i'll show you).

These cookies make a great snack & will keep in an airtight tupperware for 2-3 days.

Servings - Makes 6 Chunky Cookies (can be made into smaller protein balls for lower calorie servings)

Macros Per Cookie: 120kcal / 7g protein / 20g carbs / 1.5g fat


40g vanilla or cinnamon protein powder

80g oats (regular or gluten free)

45g raisins

50g Golden Syrup

Cinnamon to taste (I use 1/2 tbsp)

Frankys Bakery Shortbread Flavour Powder (available here) - This is optional but really helps bring the "cookie" flavour through.

Stevia - For sprinkling to add extra sweetness/crunch to the cookie.


1. In a small cup, mix 1 tbsp of the protein powder with a tiny bit of water & stevia to form a glaze & set aside.

2. In another small cup cover the raisins with some boiling water & leave to soften for 15 mins.

3. In a food processor/blender grind the oats into a fine flour.

4. Add Franky's powder, cinnamon, protein powder, syrup & raisins (drained & removed from water).

5. Blend all ingredients until stuck together.

6. Scoop out using a spoon and press into cookie shapes.

6. Decorate with Glaze, sprinkle top with Stevia & eat!

If you make this recipe don't forget to send me a picture on INSTAGRAM - @girlgainzblog

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